
WOD 3.2.2015

A: Tabata Warmup 20sec on 10 sec off

  • 4 Sets Airsquat/4 Sets Rowing or SkiErg


B: Strict Pullups 2-5 Reps on 5 Sets /Handstand Pushups Strict- Handstand Hold for 30-60 Seconds

C: Wod Tabata Fight Gone Bad

    • Wall Ball 9/6
    • Sumo Deadlift High Pull 30/20
    • Box Jump (20 in Box)
    • Push-Press 30/15
    • Row (for Calories)


For the Tryouts on 19:45

A: Mobility/ Warmup

B: Skill Airsquat/ Kb Swing/ Knees2Ellbow or Hanging Kneeraises

C: 15 Min AMRAP

  • 15 Airsquat
  • 15 KB Swing
  • 8 K2E
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