WOD 13.Aug2018

A: Mobility/ Shoulder Warm Up

B: Work up to heavy 4 Reps of Overhead Squat (Snatch it as Long as possible)

C: 21-15-9

  • OH Squat @45/30 kg
  • Burpees over Barbell

WOD 29.Nov.2016

A: Mobility

5 Rounds of

  • 10 Hollow Body Rocks
  • 10 V- Ups
  • 10 Tuck Ups
  • 10 Sec Hollow Hold
  • 1 Min Rest

B: Front Squat Work up to a Heavy 5 RM

C: 5 Rounds for Time (TC20 Min)

  • 20 Cal Row
  • 20 K2E (Knees to Ellbows)
  • 20 Wallballs

WOD 22.06.2016

A: Warmup/ Mobility

B: Front Squat WU2a5RM

C: Partner Wod

  • Carry a 20/16 kg Kettlebell
  • 50 Synchronized Front Squat sc.40/30, Rx´d 50/37,5
  • 50 Synchronized Partner Burpees

WOD 4.Mai 2016

A: Mobility/ Warmup 21-15-9 KB-swing + Airsquat

B: Squat Clean- Work up 2 your 3RM

C: WOD Regional Event 3&4

  • 104 Wall-Ball Shots 9/6 kg
  • 52 Pull-ups

Rest 1 Min, then

4 Rounds

  • 28 Pistols
  • 15 Power Clean



WOD 3.2.2015

A: Tabata Warmup 20sec on 10 sec off

  • 4 Sets Airsquat/4 Sets Rowing or SkiErg


B: Strict Pullups 2-5 Reps on 5 Sets /Handstand Pushups Strict- Handstand Hold for 30-60 Seconds

C: Wod Tabata Fight Gone Bad

    • Wall Ball 9/6
    • Sumo Deadlift High Pull 30/20
    • Box Jump (20 in Box)
    • Push-Press 30/15
    • Row (for Calories)


For the Tryouts on 19:45

A: Mobility/ Warmup

B: Skill Airsquat/ Kb Swing/ Knees2Ellbow or Hanging Kneeraises

C: 15 Min AMRAP

  • 15 Airsquat
  • 15 KB Swing
  • 8 K2E